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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the digital and green economy

Paper prepared for the 1st Employment working Group meeting under the Indonesian Presidency

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k. A.


Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO); International Labour Organization (ILO)


Genf: ILO Publications, 2022, 12 Seiten



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Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO); International Labour Organization (ILO)

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ILO Publications

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Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO)
Vertretung in Deutschland
ILO Büro Berlin

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Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO)
Vertretung in Deutschland
ILO Büro Berlin

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Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the digital and green economy

Paper prepared for the 1st Employment working Group meeting under the Indonesian Presidency
This report prepared by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) together with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the 1st G20 Employment Working Group meeting addresses one of the priority areas identified by the Indonesian Presidency.

It highlights measures G20 member states can take to ensure that persons with disabilities will benefit from the opportunities provided by the digital and green economy, as well as minimize some of the challenges that derive in particular from digitalization.



Informationsstand: 02.02.2023