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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Our study about how technology can help people with disabilities to work

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Lulli, Roberta; Sinicato, Filippo; Couceiro Farjas, Álvaro Antonio


European Disability Forum (EDF); Hammersley, Haydn


Brüssel: Eigenverlag, 2023, 11 Seiten



Der Text ist von:
Lulli, Roberta; Sinicato, Filippo; Couceiro Farjas, Álvaro Antonio

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European Disability Forum

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European Disability Forum

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Our study about how technology can help people with disabilities to work

Easy-to-read version
Who we are:
We are the European Disability Forum.
We are an organisation
of people with disabilities in Europe.
In short, we are called ‘EDF’.

At EDF, we work to protect the rights
of all people with disabilities in Europe.
We think that people with disabilities
should have the same chances in life
and take part in the community
like everyone else.

Why we made this study:
We made this study to check:
  • How technology can help people with disabilities to work,
  • What the situation is for people with disabilities in Europe,
  • What can be better.
To make this study,
we asked for the views of people with disabilities
and their organisations
in all countries of the European Union
and the United Kingdom.

We also asked for the views of employers
in these countries.

In the next few pages,
you will read what we learned from this study.



Informationsstand: 11.07.2024