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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Return-to-work with long COVID

An Episodic Disability and Total Worker Health® analysis

Bibliographische Angaben


Stelson, Elisabeth A.; Dash, Devanshi; McCorkell, Lisa [u. a.]


k. A.


Social Science and Medicine, 2023, Volume 338 (Article number 116336), Oxford, New York: Pergamon Press, ISSN: 0277-9536, eISSN: 1873-5347



Der Text ist von:
Stelson, Elisabeth A.; Dash, Devanshi; McCorkell, Lisa [u. a.]

Der Text steht in der Zeitschrift:
Social Science and Medicine, Volume 338 (Article number 116336)

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Original-Abstract anzeigen (DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116336)

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Social Science and Medicine

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Social Science and Medicine

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Return-to-work with long COVID

An Episodic Disability and Total Worker Health® analysis
A growing number of working individuals have developed long COVID (LC) after COVID-19 infection. Economic analyses indicate that workers' LC symptoms contribute to workforce shortages. However, factors that affect return-to-work from perspectives of people with LC remain largely underexplored. This qualitative study of people with LC conducted by researchers living with LC aimed to identify participants' return-to-work experiences using Total Worker Health® and Episodic Disability frameworks. 10% of participants who participated in a mixed-method global internet survey, had LC symptoms >3 months, and responded in English were randomly selected for thematic analysis using NVivo12. 15% of responses were independently double-coded to identify coding discrepancies. Participants (N = 510) were predominately white and had at least a baccalaureate degree.

Four primary work-related themes emerged:
1) strong desire and need to return to work motivated by sense of purpose and financial precarity;
2) diverse and episodic LC symptoms intersect with organization of work and home life;
3) pervasiveness of LC disbelief and stigma at work and in medical settings; and
4) support of medical providers is key to successful return-to-work.

Participants described how fluctuation of symptoms, exacerbated by work-related tasks, made returning to work challenging. Participants’ ability to work was often predicated on job accommodations and support. Non-work factors were also essential, especially being able to receive an LC medical diagnosis (key to accessing leave and accommodations) and help at home to manage non-work activities. Many participants described barriers accessing these supports, illuminating stigma and disbelief in LC as a medical condition.

Qualitative findings indicate needs for workplace accommodations tailored to fluctuating symptoms, continuously re-evaluated by workers and supervisors together. Reductions in medical barriers to access work accommodations is also critical since many medical providers remain unaware of LC, and workers may lack a positive COVID test result.



Informationsstand: 01.12.2023