Easy-to-read language in the German theoretical driving test
Starting point of the present research work is the question of whether the development and testing of a concept for “Easy-to-read language in the German theoretical driving test” is indicated from a scientific point of view. Offering the German theoretical driving test in easy-to-read language would follow the principle of inclusion, enabling people with disabilities to participate in society.
However, the following two questions are unclear: First, is easy-to-read language basically suitable for a translation of the German theoretical driving test? Second, would the translation of the German theoretical driving test into easy-to-read language be possible without impairing the quality of the test and traffic safety?
These research questions were dealt with in the current project by means of three working steps. All three working steps together provide an overview over the two research subjects – easy-to-read language and theoretical driving test – which are so far largely unrelated in research. The first step in dealing with the research questions was a literature analysis, which was carried out separately for the two subjects of easy-to-read language and the theoretical driving test. The literature analysis on easy-to-read language captures easy-to-read language as a means of communication which, through linguisticsimplifications, is primarily intended to contribute to the reading comprehension of people with learning difficulties, mental disabilities or cognitive impairments as well as of people with prelingual hearing loss or deafness.
Easy-to-read language follows specific rules, which, however, are laid down in competing sets of rules. Thus, easy-to-read language is currently not a uniform or even standardized concept.
The literature analysis on the theoretical driving test focuses on relevant organisational aspects for a potential translation and implementation of a theoretical driving test in easy-to-read language in Germany. Furthermore, the creation and the permanent evaluation of the examination questions are elaborated on. A translation of the examination questions would have to meet methodological criteria as well.
In the second step, a total of seven expert interviews were conducted. For this purpose, experts were recruited from the subject areas of easy-to-read language and of the theoretical driving test. The easy-to-read language experts often differed in their assessments of the applicability of rules, the use of a certain set of rules and the translatability of technical terms and formulas. With the explorative method of an expert survey, however, it was possible to identify problematic discussion points such as the leeway for interpretation in the translation process, the legal certainty of a translation of the theoretical driving test into easy-to-read language and the access regulations to a theoretical driving test in easy-to-read language.
The third step involved a test translation of twelve selected examination questions into easy-to-read language, which was carried out by a professional translation agency. Difficulties were encountered among others with the translation of technical terms and formulas. The effort that a complete translation of all examination questions from the official driving license question catalogue would entail can only be recorded to a limited extent with the test translation. Nevertheless, the findings indicate a comprehensive workload.
Overall, the results from the literature analysis, the empirical material from the expert survey and the insights gathered with the test translation reveal some limitations in the basic suitability of easy-toread language for a translation of the theoretical driving test. A translation of the examination questions and thus the provision of a valid theoretical driving test in easy-to-read language could be influenced by these limitations.
A comprehensive development and testing of a concept for “Easy-to-read language in the German theoretical driving test” therefore appears less recommendable. If this research topic were to be worked on further, a possible next step would be to clarify the identified discussion points. For this clarification, experts for the creation of the examination questions and for their translation into easy-to-read language should be involved.