Active inclusion of young people with disabilities or health problems: National report - Spain
Eurofound has completed a review of existing incapacity benefits aimed at young people of working age in the
EU Member States, including data on the take-up of benefits. What is worrying is a relatively new trend indicating a significant increase in their take up among young people - in the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland.
The research shows that the reason for the increase has been predominantly various mental health problems. Research also indicates that debt is a much stronger risk factor for mental disorder than low income.
Additionally, current employment patterns with long hours and more intense work are not conducive for people with health problems. There is also an issue of special education as it seems that in many countries people with health problems move directly from special education into incapacity schemes. To identify effective strategies to tackle this trend, there is clear need to understand the reasons.
This is the focus of Eurofound research over the next two years which is paying particular attention to activation measures in health, social and employment services. The research is also looking at the role of incapacity benefits agencies, education systems, employers and trade unions.
Phase I of the study was carried out in six Member States: Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
Phase II research has been completed in five further countries: France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Slovakia. The overview report will be published end 2012.
National Report Spain:
In Spain disability is officially recognised when the competent evaluation services assess a person as having a minimum 33% disability level. This evaluation is carried out by regional governments and there are differences among regions, which can result in a person obtaining a disability certification in one region when they may not in another. Integration in education and employment remains a challenge for institutions and organisations, as many disabled students and workers are still segregated. Fear of change and also fear of losing benefits if they enter into employment remain big barriers to inclusion.