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Titel der Veröffentlichung: ICF use to identify common problems on a TBI neurorehabilitation unit in Spain

Bibliographische Angaben


Laxe, Sara; Zasler, Nathan; Tschiesner, Uta [u. a.]


k. A.


NeuroRehabilitation, 2011, Volume 29 (Issue 1), Seite 99-110, Amsterdam: IOS Press, ISSN: 1053-8135, eISSN: 1878-6448



Der Text ist von:
Laxe, Sara; Zasler, Nathan; Tschiesner, Uta [u. a.]

Der Text steht in der Zeitschrift:
NeuroRehabilitation, Volume 29 (Issue 1), Seite 99-110

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ICF use to identify common problems on a TBI neurorehabilitation unit in Spain

To describe functioning and health of individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
A cross-sectional, prospective study was conducted in a neurorehabilitation hospital. Data collection included socio-demographic factors, single interviews based on the extended ICF Checklist 2.1 for TBI, patient ratings on general health and functioning status, WHOQoL, EQ5D and the Comorbidity Questionnaire.
103 patients (81%males) were included in the study. The mean of age was 34 yrs. 24% were inpatients whereas 76% were outpatients. 130 out of 150 categories (87%) of the extended checklist were relevant in > 10% of patients. Differences in functioning and disability between patients in the shorter versus long term situation were noted to be predominantly in the ICF domains of Activities and Participation as well as in Body Functions. Correlations between EQ5D and ICF-based data collections were all p < 0.01.
This study identified the most common problems in patients with TBI receiving Neurorehabilitation services based on the ICF. Results emphasize the need to describe disability and rehabilitation standards from a comprehensive perspective that not only includes Body Functions and Structures but also the ICF domains of Activities and Participation and Environmental factors.



Informationsstand: 01.06.2012