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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe

A joint international project co-ordinated by the Higher Education Information System - HIS, Germany: Synopsis of indicators - Final report - Eurostudent III 2005-2008

Bibliographische Angaben


Orr, Dominic; Schnitzer, Klaus; Frackmann, Edgar


Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)


Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 2008, 194 Seiten, ISBN: 978-3-7639-3662-5



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Orr, Dominic; Schnitzer, Klaus; Frackmann, Edgar

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Inhaltliche Angaben


Das steht in dem Text:

Die englischsprachige Studie EUROSTUDENT basiert auf einem einmaligen Datensatz: Befragt wurden mehr als 120.000 Studierende aus 23 europäischen Ländern durch das Deutsche Studentenwerk. Sie gaben Auskunft zu ihren sozialen und ökonomischen Lebensverhältnissen.

Die Studie betrachtet acht Themenbereiche:
1. Demographic characteristics of the student body
2. Access to higher education
3. Social make-up of the student body
4. Accommodation
5. Funding and state assistance
6. Living expenses and student spending
7. Student employment and time budget
8. Internationalisation and mobility

Die Studie schließt ab mit Überlegungen für die Politik.

[Aus: Verlagsinformation]

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Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe

A joint international project co-ordinated by the Higher Education Information System - HIS, Germany
The present EUROSTUDENT Synopsis of Indicators report is the third to be completed following earlier reports in 2000 and 2005. This report presents data from 23 countries and represents an impressive development on the earlier reports which were confined to eight and eleven countries, respectively.

The focus of the study is on the social and economic conditions of student life in Europe.

It covers a broad range of data on:
  • the demographic characteristics of the student body;
  • modes of access and attendance and types of higher education;
  • social make-up of the student body; types of accommodation;
  • funding and state assistance; living expensesand student spending;
  • student employment andtime budgets;
  • and internationalisation and mobility.
This publication on indicators is complemented by a series of National Profiles on each participating country which are published separately and can be downloaded from the website. These national profiles provide an introduction to each of the national systems and relevant contextual data on the indicators. The dual publication strategy refl ects
the methodology adopted. The project is centrally coordinated by HIS, Hanover, Germany, assisted by an International Steering Board which includes members of the EUROSTUDENT network, representing participating countries.

Each participating country is responsible for its own national survey; country participation is dependent on the adoption of core questions, central data conventions and
agreed time lines in data delivery.



Informationsstand: 08.10.2010