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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Healthcare utilization of people with type 2 diabetes in Germany: An analysis based on health insurance data

Bibliographische Angaben


Müller, N.; Heller, T.; Freitag, M. H. [u. a.]


British Diabetic Association


Diabetic Medicine, 2015, Volume 32 (Issue 7), Seite 951-957, Oxford: Blackwell Science, ISSN: 0742-3071, eISSN: 1464-5491



Der Text ist von:
Müller, N.; Heller, T.; Freitag, M. H. [u. a.]

Der Text steht in der Zeitschrift:
Diabetic Medicine, Volume 32 (Issue 7), Seite 951-957

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Healthcare utilization of people with type 2 diabetes in Germany: an analysis based on health insurance data

This population-based study assesses the healthcare utilization of people with Type 2 diabetes by analysing routine data from Allgemeine Orts-Krankenkasse (AOK), the largest statutory health insurance provider in Germany.
Anonymized billing data from all AOK-insured persons with at least one day of insurance during the evaluation year 2010 were analysed. Treatment and cost data from all areas of inpatient and outpatient care were available, as was information regarding patient age and sex. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnosis and Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification were used to identify 2.7 million insured persons with diabetes.
The age- and sex-standardized prevalence of Type 2 diabetes was 9.8%. Of those patients identified, 33.9% had at least one diabetes-related complication and 83.0% had a diagnosis of hypertension. Almost two-thirds (63.1%) received antihyperglycaemic medication. Metformin and sulfonylurea were prescribed most often; medications without proof of benefit in endpoint studies were prescribed much less frequently. People without diabetes were admitted to hospital only half as often as those with Type 2 diabetes. The projected total expenditure in Germany for all people with Type 2 diabetes amounted to approximately EUR33.3 billion in 2010.
This study shows an increase in both the prevalence of diabetes and treatment costs. The majority of people with Type 2 diabetes were aged 70 years or older. One third of this group has diabetes-related complications. Antihyperglycaemic medications without proof of benefit in endpoint studies were prescribed much less frequently than drugs with proof of benefit.



Informationsstand: 21.01.2016